Homes for Sale and Real Estate in California
- Use our advanced MLS search tool to browse more than 100,000 listings (as of July 2011).
- Find out how Adore Realty can put you in touch with a real estate professional that is an expert in your area.
- Learn about our buyer and seller incentive programs.
Get connected with a highly-qualified real estate agent that specializes in your area. Call us today!
(877) 380-7992
How does Adore Realty work with home buyers?
Adore Realty is a full-service real estate brokerage firm. Together with our network of experienced, highly-qualified REALTORS® and other industry professionals, we provide our clients with a unique set of benefits and an unparalleled level of client service and support.
Our technology makes it easy for you to begin the search for a home. When you are ready to start visiting properties, we can provide you with an agent and lenders that are experts in the area you want to live.
Learn more about the benefits of working with the Adore Realty team of buyer’s agents.

How does Adore Realty work with home sellers?
The Adore Realty team of seller’s agents is made up of agents who specialize in preparing and marketing your property for sale. Our agents will work with you to help you sell your home for maximum value. In addition to the standard sales tools like yard signs, open houses and MLS listings, our team utilizes advanced marketing techniques that will give you the edge and bring in the buyers.
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